Sign up for each event that you're interested in before the start time listed below
Punt, Pass & Kick Contest
Activity goes from 3-4pm, and 5-6pm.
A lively and engaging forum for boys and girls to compete individually against their peers in football skills
The score totals the length and accuracy of one’s punt, pass & kick
Age divisions, adults welcome
Challenge Circle Superbowl
Games begin at 4pm
Boys and girls divided into four teams competing in various games around a circle 30-feet in diameter
Each team will have an adult coach
Lots of color, lots of energy, lots of fun!
Teams will represent the two competing Superbowl teams, the Jags, and one other
Cornhole Tournament
Competition begins at 5pm
Cornhole is a lawn game in which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at an inclined board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag through the hole (three points).
There will be a singles and a team’s competition, a children and adult division
Chili Cook-off
Judging begins at 6pm, see the sign-up form below if you want to make an entry
Do you make the most delicious chili?
Do you like making people happy?
Then enter and bring a large pot of your “homemade” chili
Crafting Table
3-6 p.m.
Et cetera
Hot Chocolate
Wear Your NFL Jersey Pride!
Special Valentine’s Day Drawing
Contest Prizes
Questions or comments, contact Glen at or text him at 904-465-2388.