We strive to provide ministries that help each person grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We understand that there is a great value to age-appropriate teaching to best equip every man, woman, and child take their next spiritual step.

The Orchard Nursery
We at Eastside Community Church count it a privilege to care for your child (from infants up to age 5) while you enjoy worship, fellowship and classes with us. Our purpose is to provide a comfortable, safe and secure environment for the children under our care in order to encourage positive feelings about being at worship from the earliest years of life
What to Bring . . .
Bottle with water or formula
2-3 diapers
Complete change of clothes
Comfort Item (i.e. blanket)
What to Leave at Home . . .
Medications – Only a parent or guardian can administer these.
Personal toys
Snacks – Due to the increase in childhood allergies, we do not permit outside snacks. We gladly serve crackers and water.
Plain white burp cloths, unless clearly labeled. We keep our nursery stocked with these and will gladly share.
For Nursing Mothers
A nursing room is provided where mothers can privately feed their infants. The room is located to the right of the infant nursery room as you face the nursery greeting area.

Christian Education
Christian Education is our name for Sunday School, where people who are interested meet after the corporate worship service for an hour or so for deeper teaching from God's Word. Christian Education, or CE, as we call it, usually meets all throughout the year except for the summer. You are invited to attend!

ROCK Youth Group
Representatives Of Christ’s Kingdom
Our mission is to advance God's kingdom for his honor.
Rock Youth Strives to . . .
Encourage Youth to Walk With Christ
Encourage Youth to Walk as One Community Unified in Christ
Encourage Youth to be Christ’s Representatives
ROCK Youth meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Use the "Contact Us" page to learn how.

Prayer Ministry Overview
We prioritize prayer in the life and ministry of our church. Our desire is to be a church of prayer, where everything is bathed in prayer. There are several ways for you to join us in prayer.
Pray Daily
Most importantly, we encourage you to set aside a special time and place to pray every day. Begin by reading your Bible and getting into God's presence. Then pray for things that God brings to mind. Keeping a personal prayer list is a great way to keep up with recurring needs. Our Church Prayer List has scriptures and quotes to help guide your thoughts.
Join Our Church Prayer Meetings
Please come pray with us each Sunday morning, even if you can only stay for a few minutes. This is a great place to learn how to pray. We'd love to have you join us this Sunday, 8:30-9:15am at church in Class Room #1, or by Zoom at this link.
Share Your Prayer Requests with Us
Please e-mail new prayer requests to: prayer@eastsidecommunity.org. Please indicate if the request is for our Church Prayer List, or a private request just for our Elders. If requesting prayer for another person, please have their permission before submitting the request.
Schedule a Prayer Appointment
Want someone to pray with you? Our Elders and Prayer Team are available during our Church Prayer Meetings, and before and after Worship Services. Please e-mail your prayer appointment request to: prayer@eastsidecommunity.org.

Children’s Education
The Children’s Ministry at ECC is dedicated to presenting the Word of God to our children so they may grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Our goals, in partnership with parents, are to teach and apply spiritual truths, illuminate the character of God, and examine how the redemptive story of Jesus is woven throughout God’s Word. The curriculum for our K-5th grade students is The Gospel Project, “a chronological approach to teaching that allows kids to see how the whole Bible points to Christ.” We are always looking for servant-hearted people to help with this ministry.

Community Groups
Small Groups are the best way to experience fellowship, spiritual care, and the other blessings of church life here at Eastside.
Our Small Groups meet regularly on our church campus and in homes in various locations around the city. We enjoy the fellowship that allows us to catch up on each others’ lives, discuss and apply God’s Word, and pray for one another.

Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry at Eastside Community Church exists to connect and equip women for Christian living and disciple-making through the power of the Holy Spirit. Meeting Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Church.
Our Vision is to See Women . . .
Entering into a relationship with God through Jesus
Abiding in Christ and serving in their unique callings
Enjoying healthy relationships in their God-given roles
Participating in discipling relationships
Reproducing disciple-makers
We plan and host events and activities that connect women with other women and provide entry points into our Large Groups, Small Communities, and Discipleship Groups.
We work with our Christian Education ministry to plan and host Bible Studies classes and seminars that equip women for Christian living and disciple-making.
We encourage women to pursue deeper relationships with other women by praying together, serving together, and fellowshipping together in small groups.
We encourage women to seek spiritual accountability and growth as ‘disciple-makers’ in pairs, triads, and quads.

We have English as a Second Language (ESL) classes on Wednesdays at 7-8:30 pm. It is a multilingual class that uses the Bible to teach English and practice listening, speaking, and conversation skills.
If you know someone who would like to improve their English, please let them know about our classes!
Volunteer Opportunities
Provide snacks
Offer childcare
Serve as a teacher
Contact: Robin St. Denis at english@eastsidecommunity.org